Register for an account on this CQPweb server
First, select a username and password. Your username can be up to 30 letters long, and must consist of only
unaccented letters, digits and the underscore ( _ ).
Your password or passphrase can consist of any characters you like including punctuation marks and spaces.
The length limit is 255 characters.
Enter your chosen username:
Enter your password or passphrase:
WARNING: Caps Lock seems to be on!
Retype the password or passphrase:
WARNING: Caps Lock seems to be on!
Now, enter your email address. We will send a verification message to this email address,
so it is critical that you double-check for typing errors.
Your account will not be activated until you click on the link that we send in that email message!
If you have an institutional email address (linked to a company or university, for instance),
you should use it to sign up.
This is because your access to some corpora may depend on what
institution you are affiliated to – and we use your email address to detect your affiliation.
If you specify a Gmail, Hotmail or other freely-obtainable email address, we won't be able to detect
your affiliation, and you may not have access to all the corpora that you should have access to.
Enter your email address:
Note that this cannot be changed later!
Type in the 6 characters from the picture to prove you are a human being:
N.B.: all letters are lowercase.
The following three questions are optional. You can leave these parts of the form empty if you wish.
However, it is highly useful to us to know a bit more about who is using our CQPweb installation,
so we will be very grateful if you supply this information.
Please enter your real name:
Please enter your affiliation:
(a company, university or other body that you are associated with)
Please enter your location (select a country or territory):
When you are happy with the settings you have entered, use the button below to register.